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Loonies on the Rise in Canada


July 3, 2012 by Jerry

The Loonie, Canada’s water-bird bearing currency has risen .5 percent according to this recent article.This source reports that it’s up to C$1.0246 perU.S. dollar after dropping to C$1.0300 earlier in the month. In response to this, some banks are looking to raise interest rates. Ten year bonds, however have dipped. They reached their lowest point since 1950 on the first of this month. Canada’s largest export, oil, has been doing well, gaining 2.4 percent a barrel. Earlier moves to avoid a housing bubble have temporarily shut out first time buyers, but are on their way to promoting slower global growth in the long run, as intended. These precautions were also set in place to deflate some of the debt that would have led to a national economy collapse.

Niagara Falls provides reprieve for students from student loan burden


June 14, 2012 by Jerry

American students are increasingly facing the prospect of paying off atrociously high student loan amounts that can bog them down for almost a decade of their adult life or more to pay the entire loan amount off. Now, some of the communities in the country that are bogged down due to the lack of sufficient economic development are looking for ways to attract these young students with offers like tax exemption for a few years, offer to pay off their outstanding student loan for a few years etc. What is the hidden catch in these offers? The student will have to move to these cities and live there for a prescribed period of years. The city of Niagara Falls in NY is offering young students with an enticing offer of this nature. As per the €œCrushed by Student Loans? Move to Niagara Falls€ article, this city is about to offer such a deal to 20 students each year. Those students who prefer warmer climate conditions can opt for Kansas City instead of NY. The ongoing program in Kansas City has already received overwhelming response from more than 330 students who are looking desperately for getting rid of their student loan burden.